I got my mirena removed on July 2,2014 and we have been trying since

I got my mirena removed on July 2,2014 and we have been trying since. We didn't have much luck month to month and I started not following my "fertility" days so much and began to think "whatever." And "I don't think it'll ever happen" every month my period has been late according to my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">fertility apps</a>. I was supposed to start my period on December 28th. Thinking that I would get it today I took a pregnancy test just for fun and it immediately read positive! I wasn't really expecting it and just started balling like a baby! It has been a terrible 4 months for my family and my little brother who lives with us just came home from the hospital after spending 6 days there including Xmas. I am so excited!