Visitors after baby

I want to preface this by saying I love my in laws. And I know they are all very excited to meet our baby (he is the first grand baby). With this being my fist baby I really am just looking for some friendly advice. 
How did you handle visitors after delivery? My mom will be in the delivery room with us (which I am completely fine with). But I don't know what kind of timeline to give the rest of our family. My family is all far away so I'm not worried about them. 
I know they will have us do skin to skin for 2 hours minimum provided there are no problems with me or the baby. My initial plan was to have our stay at the hospital limit visitors to our parents only (no siblings or Extended family). Then once we get home we have a small apartment and I'm hoping that will allow us to keep visitors to a few at a time. 
We have only been married a little over a year and my husband is the first in his family (immediate family) to get married. So I really am still trying to work out how to interact with them. For example, I posted something on Facebook about my husband and I being the first to announce the baby is born and my mother in law took it like I was telling everyone she would post it before we would. 
I don't want her to be jealous that my mom will see the baby first. And I never want her to feel like she is being kept away from her first grand baby. I just know that I want to have time to myself with my husband and our baby. I'm kind of hoping we have the baby in the middle of the night or at least late in the evening so we can put off visitors until the next day. The other issue is my mother in law works on the floor directly under labor and delivery. I'm worried I won't be able to put her off at all if she's already there. I'm not comfortable enough with her to have her coming in when I'm first learning to breastfeed. 
I can use all the tips I can get.