Another October Baby!

38 weeks 3 days due 11/6...Went in for my weekly NST because of fibroids...he wouldn't cooperate again so they were going to send me to hospital for an ultrasound (had to do this after 3 out of 4 NSTs). They called to let them know I was coming and the doctors decided delivery was best. Got there around 9pm and was given Cervidil to start the process. About 15 minutes later a swarm of nurses arrive in the room having me flip to each side and get on all fours, etc...was watching Cubs game and didn't realize his heart rate had dropped down to the 60-70s...I guess he didn't like the induction process. I was swooped off to the operating room for a c-section. His heart rate returned to normal so we were able to wait on my doctor but he was delivered by cesarean at 11:15pm 10/26, 5lb 7oz. Here's my love, Justus!