New mom depression/anxiety


Hey guys so I've been looking and looking for some sort of post similar to what I'm feeling like and I can't find it anywhere... so today something dawned on me that completely threw me for a loop.. and scared the hell out of me. I'm not sure if this is normal to experience, or if this is something nobody else has really gone through but I'm struggling right now. I've been thinking through about how I'm going to have to be a stay at home Mom for at least the beginning nd I'm so scared of that. I'm really a outgoing and extroverted person and I will get so depressed if I'm home all day alone with a baby. And I feel like I will lose myself, lose who I am, what I love to do I won't really be able to do anymore...

And then secondly, I won't be able to see my husband until 6:30 at night.. I feel as if ill be raising this child alone because he'll hardly be there. I'm just already feeling like I will be depressed and lonely. Don't know what to do. Someone please let me know if this is normal and if you felt the same way..

What do I do? :(