Pregnancy w/ hypothyroidism


Has anybody who has hypothyroidism had any difficulties getting pregnant or during pregnancy?? I've read up on it and it has me a little nervous if I ever do get pregnant!
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I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism after I had my daughter. However my mother has hypothyroidism and she has had 6 boys since she was diagnosed with it, she just watched different foods to stay away from and kept up with taking her medication and it didn't seem to interfere with her getting pregnant with all her kids. Just stay healthy and keep up with the medication, and keep positive! 


Nicole • Jan 2, 2015
I was diagnosed at an early age when I was a teenager. My mom had 2 kids and she just found out that she has it


Posted at
I have hypothyroidism. I got pregnant without trying while not being on synthroid. My TSH level when I went to my pregnancy confirmation was 13.9! Now I'm 11 weeks pregnant and my TSH is back to 7.0. My endocrinologist is not concerned at all and said as long as hypothyroidism doesn't go untreated throughout pregnancy, things usually progress just fine. I hope you find your journey to be easy too. Of course, I'm not out of the woods yet, but the doctor gives me great hope!


Posted at
I have hypothyroidism and we have been trying for 1 1/2 years. I never thought that could be an issue since I take medication for it. I guess I'll have to look into it. 


✨Heidi✨ • Dec 31, 2014
Yes :)


Nicole • Dec 30, 2014
Just curious do you take synthroid?


✨Heidi✨ • Dec 30, 2014
Thank you. I just looked into it and since I'm taking medication for it it shouldn't effect me :)


Posted at
I had Graves' disease from hyperthyroidism, received radioactive iodine treatment and then went in thyroid medication.  In May I reached a year since the radioactive iodine and in July my thyroid was fully regulated.  Got the go ahead to try and start having a baby.  DH and I started actively trying in September and I got pregnant in October.  11 weeks today.  Have been monitors by the endocrinologist and she said many women with thyroid problems have perfectly healthy pregnancies they just need their levels monitored. Hopefully you have a good endocrinologist who can work with your ob.  Im


Posted at
I have hypothyroidism and I have a difficult time getting pregnant but it didn't cause any issues when I was pregnant. I have one son who is 14.  


Jenni • Dec 30, 2014
We've been trying this time for almost two years. But my hubby works far away so timing is an issue for us.


Jenni • Dec 30, 2014
Two years. Then a miscarriage and then pregnant with him a couple/few months later.


Nicole • Dec 30, 2014
I was worried about miscarriages. How long did it take to get pregnant with your son?


Posted at
I have hyperthyroidism and my doctor told me that it will be harder to concieve and if you do concieve, they're could be issues with the mother and/or child. /:


Nicole • Dec 30, 2014
I haven't read up on hyperthyroidism. I wonder if this could be the same with hypothyroidism! Thank you