opinion ladies

Okay so in your opinion is it wrong for me to question and keep distant from a guy who I know has a gf and sends me random snaps sometimes late at night? When the snaps themselves aren't anything bad just when he's out with some guy friends it's of the food or alcohol he's around. Without getting too much into detail I work with this guy and knew he had a gf from the start and though I'm fine with being friends with people in relationships I still don't like to brush off late messages no matter how platonic they seem because of a past experience with a friend who I was close with and had a gf and still made a mistake once with him cause of a night out drinking. Granted that friend and I knew each other before he had his gf where with this one has been with her for years. To me I don't try and be best friends with guys in relationships because I feel they should only really be best friends with their gf not some new girl they met. Again I don't mind being friends but I know for the best I gotta keep a distance. But I kinda feel like I'm being overly cautious? Idk. Alright shoot the opinions away.