Kaylee • I am an equestrian who loves animals.
Hello, I'm a 13 year old girl. For the past couple of months I've been having pain "down there" during/after I pee. I told my mom a couple months ago and got it checked out and the doctor said I had VERY LITTLE bacteria and Gave me antibiotics for 5 days. The first antibiotics gave me a headache so bad where I could even sit my head up from lying down. So we switched to another one where I had to take 2 everyday for 5 days. Those made me throw up so my mom gave me 1 everyday and I was fine. They helped for that period. Afterwards it continued. I told my mom and we got AZO cranberry pills to prevent any UTI. (I do know that they prevent them and don't make them go away if you aaalready have one) those help the pain but once it wears off it starts back up again. This has been an ongoing thing. I drink plenty of water (hardly ever drink sugary juices or sodas) and I exercise daily. My mom has Interstitial Cystitis. I don't know if that's what I have or it's something else. I don't know if IC (Interstitial Cystitis) is genetic? She found out she had it around my age as well... I keep stressing about it and want someone's help please! It is much ppreciated and thank you! - (: ❤❤ (P.S the pain (RARELY) is sometimes to the point where I can't even sit down.)