Cold medicine question.

Ashley • Married Mother of 1 baby girl, 5/17/13, baby #2 due 9/4/15!! ?
So I have a horrible cold I'm not sure what I have. I think it's just the weather getting to me but my throat is sore and I sound like a man. I know with us being pregnant there's not much we can take. Idk what I can even take to be honest. So my question is does anyone know if we can take this. I haven't because I don't want to take anything idk if I can. If anyone knows I'd much appreciate it. ?
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Another thing that helped me while pregnant and sick (minus the Children's Tylenol Cold and Benedril which I took) was hot showers, peppermint oil (essential oils), Vicks Vapo Rub, Halls cough drops, organic honey, and sip hot water.


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This is my 5th pregnancy and will be my 3rd baby. I was deathly sick during both my pregnancies with my son and daughter and the only thing that I was allowed to take over-the-counter was Children's Tylenol Cold, Benedril, and cough drops. I wish I had better news for you :( but as a preggo mommy we just have to suck it up and deal the best we can. 


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Incase anyone is wondering you can't take this or shouldn't. 2 of the other drug ingredients are labeled as drugs not to take especially in your first trimester.