uncomfortable in my own skin and annoyed with everyone

Moe • I am 37 yrs old. Had my son in oct 2016. My first born is 13 and just had my daughter in dec. I am a black belt in Bjj and love muay Thai and CrossFit.
I am 17 days PP. I find myself at home with my boobs hanging out to feed my son majority of the day. This is fine bc I am at home most of the day by myself.  My mom wants to come over all the time but I tell her no bc she wants to tell me what to do or tells me to get over it when I try to keep my son on a schedule. She got offended bc I didn't let her hold him when he was taking a nap 😡 My daughter and my mom love to kiss my son on his forehead while I bf and I can't stand it.  It makes me super uncomfortable. I ask my daughter for space and I hurt her feelings. I ask my mom not to do that while I bf and she says I am being rude. What the hell? Has anyone else experienced this? I don't even want visitors bc I know I am going to have to breast feed and I am not one to pop out my boob in front of everyone.