
Ashleigh • 28. Mommy to Madi & Makenzie 💗
This is my third cycle since having my baby girl in July. The last two times were a breeze, didn't even have a clue I was starting until I saw blood in my underwear. But today I got my cycle and it was literally been the death of me! Super duper bad cramps!! My dr gave me birth control at my last appointment, but I was to scared to take it because after I had my daughter I unfortunately went back to smoking because my stress level was crazy! But since things are finally in a rountine, I have quit again and this time it's for good. I didn't start birth control because I read if you took it while smoking it could cause blood clots, but I'm officially done now, I have done to therapy to help me deal with my stress and depression another way (thank goodness for that) and I'm finally ready to start the pill. I have never ever been on any kind of birth control I've only ever used condoms. My question is, does birth control help with cramps? I've heard it does but like I said I've never taken it before. Please no judging and any advice given will be great! Thanks ladies! (: