zofran and phenergen

So yesterday was by far the worst sickness I've felt this pregnancy. I called out of work and was vomiting non stop all day. I called and left a message for the dr to write me a Rx. I told them anything but Zofran because I've heard it can cause some complications such as clef lip and cognitive problems with the baby. So they give me phenergen. I take it and I slept for 13 hrs. So I wake up this morning to look at the the drugs because I started reading phenergen is bad too!  Tested in animals zofran showed no harm to the fetus but phenergen showed heart defects and other problems with the fetus in animals. So I just took something worse. Why do they even give you things if there's a chance it could harm the baby. Wth. Like I want to feel better but I'm not trying to kill or destroy my baby's life to do it.