so happy

October 17, my husband had just gotten home at 8 am.. we got in bed and around 9 am I heard a popping sound, rolled over and felt a gush of water.. went to the hospital And sure enough my water was broke... I was 90% effaced when I got there and 3 cm dilated. 
They kept losing his heart rate and I was then put on oxygen... my blood pressure got up to 159/113.. 
Continue about an hour later and I started pushing, he was face up and was stuck so they had to use a vacuum to help.. pushed for 45 minutes and was in labor for a total of 6 1/2 hours! (They say it's quick for a FTM) at 3:28 pm my baby boy David arrived after having his cord tightly wrapped around his neck; he came out screaming :)
With the epidural not working and everything it was painful but I'd do it again for my sweet boy. 
He was 2 weeks early and weighed 5 lb 13 oz and 19 in long