My little girl is here! 😍 (Kind of a long story)

I'm beyond obsessed with this girl. I was due on the 27th of October and on Sunday the 30th I came to the hospital to be induced. After two long days of pitocin, it was decided that it wasn't best to continue on with the inducement. She wasn't dropped at all and with her being my first baby, we thought she was just too big for me since she was weighing in at 8 lb 9 oz. From day 1 I stood by two things: I don't want to be induced and I don't want to have a c section. Silly me for thinking anything was going to go according to plan! I started getting prepped for my c section and all I could do was cry. Even my boyfriend just cried because he knew how badly I did not want a c section and he felt terrible that I had to go through that. To make matters worse, my IV had started leaking (it took five pokes by five different nurses to even get this IV in so go figure that it wasn't going to cooperate!) Before I knew it they were looking for a vein in my neck, something I never even thought was possible was happening to me. I'm not big on needles to begin with so this was pretty traumatic for me. I had an IV in my neck and I was officially getting prepped for my c section, blood pressure check, pulse check and then the lovely spinal. I thank my two nurses that were by my side the entire time holding me while I was crying and letting me squeeze their hands. If it weren't for them telling me "you can do it" while I was crying out "I can't do this, i can't" then I don't think things would have gone so smoothly. My boyfriend came in and the c section began. It only took a couple minutes and then I heard one of them say her head was out followed by the sweetest sound I've ever heard: her cry. It was perfect. She was cleaned up and I was put back together. I couldn't see my boyfriend due to my IV giving me a major lack of movement but I could hear him cry. I didn't think I could love him anymore than I already did but somehow I managed to. She ended up weighing 8 lb 6 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. Her head was simply too big for my pelvis preventing her from engaging, unfortunately. I've never had any form of surgery before this and I have got to say, this shit sucks. But! It's all totally worth it when I look into my little girls eyes (which she got from me). She's the most precious girl and I am so lucky to have her.
11/01/16 5:22 pm 8 lb 6 oz 21 1/2 inches long.