hard to be patient - just want everything to be ok....

10 weeks today, FTM.  At 5w6d I had bleeding in the morning when I urinated, and got super scared. After that I was spotting. I went to the ER and was checked out. Lots of blood work and an ultrasound, where we saw a sack. The doctor said my cervix was closed and it might just be implantation bleeding. Had another HCG test and my numbers went way up.  Went to my OB and he said it seemed like I was still pregnant.  He ordered blood tests and US. Went to the hospital for my US at 7w, and had a horrible experience - my husband wasn't allowed to come with me and the tech gave me no information, turning the US machine away from me so I couldn't see.  My OB texted to say viable pregnancy with cardiac activity. I know this should be good, but I'm having a really hard time because I have not gotten to see or hear the heartbeat. I have a Doppler but can't find the heartbeat, which I know happens a lot but I'm just feeling lost. I have my first prenatal visit Monday but my OB said i wouldn't be getting an US. First trimester screening Nov 21.
 I just want to know that things are going ok. Lots of symptoms - major breast pain, occasionally nausea, cravings and aversions...I think I might see if they could at least try to use a Doppler to help me feel better on Monday. Just so new to all this and want to know that it's ok.