What does this sound more like?

I keep thinking my period will come, but instead I get this odorless, white watery discharge. I've never gotten this substance before, especially when my period is due, and im now 3 days late. Also, my boobs hurt more and more every day. Especially my nipples. Even just touching them makes me want to scream. I want to take a test in the next couple days, but I also want to just keep waiting to see if my period does come. I'll get random very subtle cramps that come and go, but they won't stick like when I start my period. This has been going on for about a week, too. Usually when I have sex when my period is due, I almost always start that night or the day before, (plus it's hard to get wet right before I start.) But we've done the deed twice now and I just cramp for a couple minutes afterwards, and then nothing. Does this sound more along the lines of pregnancy, or just a fickle period month?

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