Divided house.

Jessica • Smile, life is beautiful.

So, I'm living with my husband, his mother and 17 year old sister. Before moving in I knew his mother and sister was going to be with my husband, so I guess you can say they're kinda extra baggage. Well, my husband takes care of both financially. My mother in law does not work, but shes not that old where she can't. His 17 year old sister goes to high school but does not help around the house AT ALL!! She comes home from school, locks herself in the room and is on her phone. Now, because lately me and my husband have been going out only us 2, his mother blames me for my husband's "change". Saying I'm putting things in his to divide his family and that why is it that he only takes me out and not his sister.. now my question is this, is it wrong for a husband to take his wife out, just the 2 of us? How would you react if your mother in law said to you that you're intentionally trying to rip the family apart.

For the record, when my mother in law or her daughter needed anything I would help them, no questions asked. I gave her money, just because. We had a good relationship and now it's like none of that ever happened.. it broke my heart when she said I'm putting stuff in my husband's head to turn against his family. Now it's like no one talks to each other.. how could I fix this, or is it even worth fixing?