Trying To Conceive... our first month (TMI)


So, my husband and I made the decision to come off birth control in August this year. This month is the first month we're actively trying... I wanted to give myself a couple months for my hormones to level out and my body to be able to produce a thicker lining. We're trying to keep it relaxed and just let it happen naturally. So far, it's been fun! 😘 I'm supposed to start November 15th... but, my periods are weird and like to come later sometimes. Stupid irregularity. 😒 So, I'll probably end up testing the 23rd if haven't started by then. That way, if we are preggers, we can announce it at Thanksgiving. 🦃

I know it's unlikely that we will get pregnant on the first try.... but, our families seem to have a Fertile Myrtle gene or something (seriously, I have 12 first cousins and my husband has 11), so I'm hoping we've got the gene too. 😉

To all of you beauties out there who have been trying or are now beginning the journey like we are: prayers, good vibes, and Fertile Myrtle dust to you! 😘💕👶💕👶💕👶

I'm interested to know what your plans and whatnot are! If you're anything like me, you've dreamt about your babies for ages. I've already got it planned on how I'm telling my husband and then our families. One of these days, I'll be sharing that with you hopefully! 🙏

I want to have a natural at home water birth. I want to cloth diaper. I want to breastfeed. Any tips for those topics would be appreciated! Particularly how you got your partner to be confident in those decisions! My husband hates to see me in pain... he worries about my migraines so I'm not sure what to say to him to make him okay with it. It's my body, but it would be our precious baby. Cloth diapering seems to be more cost effective since we'll be having more children later hopefully. And breastfeeding and pumping will be difficult but doable while working (as much as I'd love to be a SAHM, finances aren't going to allow it I don't think.) Any tips on becoming a SAHM via supplementing the income somehow would be great too!

If it's a girl, her name will be Kathrine DeRhonda Hill, after my mother who passed away a little over 3 years ago and his mother. If it's a boy, his name will be Brayden Robert Hill... we just liked the name Brayden and then Robert is his step father who passed away when he was 17.

What's ya'll's hopes and dreams for your labor? What about some choices you're leaning towards like cloth diapering? Do ya'll have names picked out?