Happy New Year!

Amber • SAHM to a beautiful, smart, energetic 2 year old boy and his newborn brother!!
Happy New Year, everyone! Mine has started off kind of rough. My DH and I were chaperoning the annual lock-in for the youth group at church when I started having contractions 7-10mins apart. I waited and they got closer together, so we got our 2 year old and went to labor and delivery. By the time we got there, my contractions were 3-4 minutes apart and hurting pretty bad. When they checked me, I was dilated to 2-2.5 and 50% effaced and they said they could feel baby's head very low. They started an iv and gave me a liter of iv fluids and gave me a dose of some medicine to try to stop the contractions. Then they gave me some pain meds to help with pain and let me relax a little. The pain meds helped, but also made me dizzy and nauseated, so they gave me anti-nausea meds. I was finally released this morning after they saw that my contractions stopped. I am 33+6 today. Hopefully, Josh will stay in for at least 3 more weeks!!