
Dailey • My short bio
I was at school one day and I had only had my period for a few months. When I got it at school I was a little scared but I just used toilet paper and forgot about it. At the end of the day in my home room class my best friend came up to me and said "I saw red" and I denied it and said I spilled grape juice. She believed it and I rapped my sweat shirt around my waist. But late to realized that (I know it sounds cheezy but it was mortifying) my crush  had seen it. He sat right next to me in the class before. I thought he was acting weird after I had gotten up. Now it's a year later and I still can't look at him right cause it seemed like we liked each other until that day. What do I do? He keeps trying to be friends with me again and I just can't. It's was one of the worst most memorable days of my life.