Taking a moment to just talk..(this will be long)

Okay. This isn't really a question , or a rant. I just feel like I need to talk , and get some of my feelings out. Okay so me and my fiancé have been together for 5 years. He is an amazing guy. And hes so sweet. My family and friends don't like him. And it makes me sad. I love him so much. Sometimes it makes things hard because he lives in Georgia and I live in Kentucky. He used to live in Kentucky as well but he had to move for a bit for personal family reasons. I miss him every day. Recently he went on a trip with his friends to Mississippi and he was supposed to be back yesterday and he's not. It makes me worry so much about him. Should I be worried. ? When should i start freaking out ? What is he doesn't text me ? I have so many questions. lately I've had so many mixed emotions. One minute I'll be happy. And smiling. And the next minute I'll be crying. Is that normal ? I'm 18 and I feel like I have a lot of stress on my shoulders. Maybe not relationship wise but family wise. And who ever reads this and wants to help me thank you. It means so much to me.