Update at my doc appointment

Kymber • •<3•happily taken •mother to a little girl infinity.•pregnant with baby #2 <3 •family is all that matters.

went to my doctors appointment, baby Jasper is head down, my belly is measuring at 31 weeks and im 30 weeks and 3 days & his heart rate was at 142, and everything came back completely healthy and I've only gained 22 lbs my whole pregnancy! Pretty happy right now, and she said that my back labor is normal, and that some women experience that more than braxton hicks! But yep, I can't Believe Jaspers head is down though, makes me nervous that I know hes getting ready to make his appearance anytime! Glad I finally got the answers I needed today :)

Knowing everything is going smoothly and healthy makes me happy. :) and at 35/36 weeks is when I get switched to my vbac doctor to start checking me for dilation :)

One happy momma♡