did cocaine- update

I had an ultrasound, my baby is doing well, heart rate is 157 and baby is looking good. The OB on call peformed an exam and everything is looking normal and how it should. She said the cramping is normal. Thanks for your prayers everyone who was kind and understanding.
Edit: I didn't mention the cocaine use. 
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Posted at
I'm not trying to scare you but your doctor assured you that cramps were normal because she thought you were just having cramps, if you told her you were cramping after drug use they would have ran more labs and more thorough ultrasounds and specifically targeted the heart. I know you say you regret what you did but you made a bad mom choice by keeping thag from your doctor. You or your baby can not be properly diagnosed. This is coming from someone who is in the medical field so please know I'm not just spouting off bullshit.


Evelyn • Nov 9, 2016
I'm going to see my regular OB this week but I'm not going to tell the ER. My regular OB knows when I found out and knows I'm not lying. I just need to wait until Friday.


Evelyn • Nov 9, 2016
There isn't anything they can do at 14 weeks


Gabi • Nov 9, 2016
It's not about being in your system, or baby's. It's about what it's already done to baby's developing organs. You can't tell the extent of the damage on an ultrasound, especially if you're not looking for it. You lied to save your own ass, with no regard for your child.


Posted at
I can't stop thinking about your situation. You need to go back and tell your OB you did cocaine. If you are truly sorry for what you did, you'd tell her. Make a good mom decision and decide you are going to do everything you can to make sure your baby is okay no matter the consequence for you. You made the "mistake" and you have to deal with it. Your OB might have thought your cramps were normal because she didn't know you did what you did. Please do right to your unborn baby and be honest and get checked again. Drug use could change if your stats were good or not. 


Posted at
I'm sorry but for them to ensure that nothing happens, you need to tell them you did cocaine. Just so they can track baby more, ensure something doesn't happen next visit and they have no idea why.I assume you're the same person from earlier, who did it at 14 weeks without knowing? I'm sure if you speak to your ob they'll understand. But you do need to tell them


Posted at
Did you tell your OB that you did cocaine or did you just go in for a "check-up"? Curious as to how your OB handled it... 


Evelyn • Nov 9, 2016
I will tell my regular OB on Friday


Kins • Nov 9, 2016
I feel you should have. There could be certain things they need to watch...


Evelyn • Nov 9, 2016
No I didn't


Posted at
It's your decision, but my suggestion is that you tell your OB at your next appointment. Baby is doing well right now. As long as you're being honest about your drug use here, you did it once and won't be doing it again. Your OB will likely drug test, which you should be able to pass since it was one time weeks ago. And probably notify CPS, and what they will do is "say hi" and talk to you, inspect your home, and drug test you and your baby at the hospital. As long as you and baby are clean, and your home passes inspection, you will be able to keep your baby. They may require parenting classes or whatnot, but as long as you stay clean and don't use again you and baby will be ok. I know it's scary to deal with doctors and CPS, but you really should let your OB know so they can decide if more monitoring is needed. Make good choices, and stay healthy. And maybe stop posting here, it's probably causing you a lot of stress. Good luck.


Mrs.G • Nov 9, 2016
PS my SIL is a CPS social worker


Posted at
Some people can be so judgmental and I am sure you didn't post this to be ridiculed. I didn't see your first post but it sounds like you used before knowing you were pregnant.  Just be honest with your OB. Pretty sure a lot of women drink and don't know they're pregnant-same thing.  By the way I work for CPS and as long as you stop using and your baby doesn't test positive at birth, cps probably won't be notified. Don't hesitate to ask for resources if you need them!


Posted at
They are keeping me a couple more hours and then I'll be leaving


Evelyn • Nov 9, 2016
Yes but no drugs


Nicah • Nov 9, 2016
I hope for the baby's sake it's okay. Did they do any pee tests on you? It may pick up the drugs...


Mi • Nov 9, 2016
The heart of 157 could possibly not be a normal heart beat for the baby, it could still be elevated from the drug use


Posted at
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! Get help if you need