maiden name vs married name help!

what would you do? perhaps there is a solution or suggestion i havent thought of? help!

i got married in august. and i still am unsure of what to do. heres my specific situation:

i have a very unique maiden name.

I get a lot of compliments about it and it flows really well with my first and middle names.

my professional career and work credits are attached to my maiden name. my parents are very attached to the middle name they gave me, and might feel hurt if i remove it from my name.

my husband has a pleasant and common last name. alll of his immediate and extended family have the same last name (lots of boys), and they all live in the same city as us. while i love and appreciate them, i dont fit in too well. im from NY and we are living in the South now. deep down, i think im scared of losing my identity. ive heard that hyphenated names make clerical and paperwork problems. everyone ive asked that has one says 'dont do it!'. Ultimately, i want the same name as my children (one day). i know my husband wants our children to have his last name but he is letting me make the decision about my name on my own and he isnt putting any pressure on me either way. ive been putting off making a decision for 4 months and have to make a decision now (change of address and dmv stuff is happening and id like to knock it all out at once.) any advice? im really lost!

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