
Nicole • Married June 2014, and TTC our first! :)
Hey everyone! Hope every one had great holidays.  Sorry I dissapeared for a few weeks, was visiting family and felt like I just needed a break.  I did not track anything or "try" this cycle.  We did bd twice but I'm like 99% sure I'm out.  No idea even what dpo I'm on, it's refreshing actually.  DH finally had his doctor appt and as usual it was useless.  He basically told him to wait 2 months and test again.  I guess he seemed pretty optimistic about DHs sperm count improving.  He told us a couple things which affect it and that fevers affect it and DH was sick about a month and a half ago, probably would have affected his results. So we are just trying to make sure DH eats a "fertility friendly" diet and I'm going to continue with the OPKs etc and hopefully we get lucky in the next few months and if not his next appt is set for two months.