why is everyone getting on me about this ?

Ok so I told my family what was left on my list for my child still. I have a dipper bag and a baby swing I need to get. I had been looking and look for a baby bag for months and never found anything I like and at a good price. Everything I found was like 150 to 36$. It was just driving me crazy. So I finally went down and got a really nice big purse and I payed only 15.00 for it. I was so happy it has grate room for my things and his things. I just need to buy a changing pad and that's it. Happy 
But oh no my man mom was not happy with me and I bought a bag and not a baby bag. Honestly what does it matter !!! I have room for his things and my things and more . Why is this such a big deal 
Pics of the bag I got it's amazingly big