39 and pregnant with first. Success story!

Finally got pregnant after 3 years of ttc with no breaks! I have pcos but I ovulate on my own just later in my cycle. Nothing worked! 2014 my gyn finally decided to try 3 rounds of clomid. Nothing happened. Another 3 rounds...nothing! So I went back and asked to try again. I had been taking prenatals, iron, and we started using soft cups. I would take clomid.. use opk's...have my husband ejaculate in the soft cup then add 2 drops of fertility lubricant on it...then insert and left it inside for at least 10 hours. We used the soft cups for 3 days before ovulation and the day after. I got pregnant on clomid cycle 7! I really believe the combination of clomid. ..soft cups and conceive+ lubricant did the trick!