Not too early, not too late, just right!!!


My due date is Wed and I was supposed to go in Fri to do pre op paper work (I'm a repeat section). Thursday I was outside talking to my FIL and I felt a lil something. Then a lil more something! All I could say was Oh shit Oh shit. Now this entire pregnancy I have had an over whelming feeling this was going to happen but thought we were so close since we were going g to be going in this morning to have the baby. Needless to say I ran in to the bathroom and my FIL yells into the house " Jami is that your water"? Love this man to death but good lord sometimes I don't know where his mind is sometimes. I said yes and asked him to call the hubby since he was working a few hrs away. An hr or so later final get to the hospital and get set up. They tell me we have to wait till 9pm because I had just eaten lunch. The waiting game kinda sucked but it's how you have to do it. Anesthesia makes me drink this ridiculously nasty drink to coat my stomach and hopefully not throw up. Finally, 830 and they say doc is here and she wants me to go to the OR. 9:13 they are pulling him out. I had my MIL in the room to take pics. She got one of the best ones ever. I know for some it may be nasty but I love it.

Introducing Jamison Curtis Howard.

8.lbs 6. Oz. And 22 in.