This is.. The story of a girl (:

Stormy • Happily married 💍 2 offsprings 👶👶 Maybe a 3rd in the future🤔😏

Well, as many of you have been annoyed with my posts;) i finally gave birth to my baby girl, Violet @ 1254pm today. She was born at 36 weeks 6 days weighing in @ 5.5lbs and 18 1/2 inches. Bald. And tiny. Lol. Ive been having off and on contractions since about 29 weeks, in which every time i went to L&D they treated me as if i was faking it and always sent me home. Well not this time ;) @ 33 weeks i had me some good ole taco bell in which started mild contractions for about 24hrs, dialating me to a 2/3 and 70%. Then comes 36 weeks, and 2oz of castor oil (yuck) mild contractions again that yet once again, Stopped -_- and leaving me at 2/3cm and 70% still.

My son was born healthy at 36weeks 6 days, same as Violet, but much much bigger, so i figured why the hell not and make this baby come. This pregnancy was already hell, with her being an IUGR baby and me having obstetric cholastesis so it was only a matter of time before my OB was ganna induce anyways.

Last night, my mom brought over some spicy steak (yum) and i was also doing nipple stimulation and squats. I honestly thought it was just Braxton Hicks and i was ganna be sent home like every other time. My stomach would tighen every 2 1/2-3min on the dot, but wasnt soo painful.. maybe it was the high pain tollerance. Idk. Anyhow went to L&D about 9pm last night at 3cm and 75% (progresss) hehe, the nurse i had was a straight B word. She unhooked me from the monitors and said we could go walk the hospital as long as we were back by 1210am to be rechecked. Which i was, and i was at a 4. So dr wanted to keep me till 7am to monitor me, but around 3 am i had her check me again. And didddly squat. The B word she was, told me i just needed to go home and was rude to me and ripping the straps and blood pressure cuff on and off and wouldn't let me go walk again or nothing.. I REFUSED to go home, and at 7am this morning, thankfully my OB was on call and he came and paid a lil visit to us. He said since i was already a 4 he was ganna start me on Pitocin and have this baby today!:)

Started Pitocin about 8, which was awful. Gave me awful contractions in which led to me getting an epi about 1015am. That was a bitch lol apparently i have some scoliosis. Anyways he broke me water about 30 min before i even got the epi which led to the worst menstrual cramps of my life!!! After the epi i was completely fine. Lol numb. 1250 rolls around and i buzz the nurse because i thought the epi ran out... nopppe lol it was just time to push. She ran and got the dr real quick, and my hubbs was nowhere to be found :( he went home to let our pupp out bc we honestly thought it would be awhile. Noooooope! I pushed my lil 5 pounder out with a room full of students and nurses(like 7 literally) and the niccu team for just in case. and about5min after, he finally made it in time to cut her cord. I wasnt mad, i understood... it wasnt his fault. Im just thankful he at least got to cut her cord... I pushed about 20 times and she was out, and honestly the last 5min i didnt even push because i was making time for him to get there, lol but the contractions went ahead and brought her out all by themselves. Nothing i could do. Shes a mini of her big brother and daddy♡ she scored a 9 on the apgar and perfectly healthy, no niccu. Nothing. We get to go home tomorrow as well (=

** big brother (2) is yet to be interested in her lol just looks and laughs when she cries. Dosent even really acknowledge her.

*Preemie diapers swallow her, lol.