My birthing experience was pretty scary this time around

💕Marie💕 • I'm just a happy mom & wife 🥰 I have three boys & one little nina due June 3rd 🧑🏼👦🧒🏽👶🏽
My birthing experience was pretty scary this time around. I was in labor for a long long 73 hours, they decided to induce me due to variables in his heart beat. They gave me cervidil which didn't do nothing the first or second time so they tried 3 times then they started me on potocin it didn't work either so one more cervidil and boom i went from 2 cm to 6 cm they checked me an hour later and soon as my doctor checked me my water broke everywhere my babies little face was up and launched into my cervix so they did a emergency c section, mind you I did not receive the epidural before hand so I only got put under anesthetic so until then I felt everything strong unbearable contractions... 😭😢 my baby boy came out a healthy 6 pounds 15 ounces and 19 inches long, I watched them rip my baby out of me so fast and that was the scariest part.. i would much rather give natural birth ten times then ever get a c section. It's very painful trying to get up and take care of my baby it's uncomfortable 24/7, don't get me wrong it's all worth it for this little hunk but I wish it didn't happen that way. My first birth was much much faster and very relaxing even without pain medication.