So a few days overdue

Juno • Two mommies are better then one!
What started out as contractions on a Wednesday night turned out to be my water breaking right before midnight, the worst part is i had just gone to sleep and woke a panic bc I thought i was peeing myself. My wife and i arrived at labor and delivery at 1 AM. Triage confirmed water had broken. At 3 AM pitocin was started bc contractions had not started. At 7AM there still was no progress regarding dilation, i was closed still. I soon after was given fentanyl while waiting for the epidural. I literally felt like i was dying at that point, i felt like was betrayed by my body. At about 10 AM i got the epidural and had never felt so much relief. By that afternoon i dialated to 2 cm. The next time i was checked it was nearly midnight i was only at a 3. We still pressed on, 7 AM Friday i was at a 5 and was starting to really worry about both the amount of time and the amount of medication. The doctors decided i needed to stop the pitocin for an hour and a half then restart. I spent the rest of the day at a 5. By 9pm my epidural had become patchy and they discovered meconium. By 11pm i was running a fever of 100.8 and had become slightly hysterical bc i was was freaking out over getting a c section. I was in informed the OR was being cleaned and i would go back at 1230 am Saturday. They stopped my epidural bc it was spotty and prepped me for a spinal the wait was excruciating. When i went back to the OR my wife was sent to another room to put on all this gear. They proceeded to prep me for surgery. They put the spinal in and within seconds I was numb, so numb that my fingers started tingling. Drapes where places around me and my wife was brought in. Our son was born at 1:46 AM Saturday November 12th. He weighed 8 pounds 11 oz and was 20.8 inches long. Even though he wasn't born how i pictured it i couldn't be happier.