Is a loss of symptoms normal?

Blue♡ • 20♡ baby boy due in june♡make-up addict♡

I'm 10 weeks+3days I've been so sick with morning sickness from about 7 weeks but last 4 days or so they've gradually calmed down I'm not vomiting anymore but the nausea is on and off my breast aren't anywhere near as sore as they were n I have ENERGY!!! .. I feel great for a change but I freaked out yesterday because I noticed the symptoms slowing down I don't have any pain or spotting but it just doesn't feel right I had an appointment with gynaecology today due to previous miscarriges n explained my worries n she told me it was completely normal for symptoms to calm down close to the end of the 1st trimester I don't have a scan until next Thursday on the 24th need to keep myself sane until then so anyone else experienced the same?

Thanks for your comments girls, really has put my mind at ease until my scan next week♡