30.3 weeks

Shay • Two beautiful boys
It all started with me going to bed Friday night with contractions. After a bad nights sleep I woke up Saturday morning with constant contractions, I went to the hospital where they checked me and saw I was dilated to a 4.5. I was then life flighted to the nearest hospital that could take care of a baby that early. I spent all of Saturday having contractions. I was checked at 8 am on Sunday and was still a 4.5, I decided to take a bath at 2 to help ease the contractions, it didn't help at all. I ended up losing my mucus plug and had contractions every five minutes. At 4:30 I was checked again and I had dilated to a 7, we were just waiting for my water to break. At 8:30 they said I was dilated to a 9, they broke my water shortly after and at 9 I was ready to push. They rushed me to the OR where I delivered my little boy. He came out screaming at 3lbs 8oz. Introducing my perfect Griffin Oliver my beautiful rainbow baby! <3