Feeling guilty?

Is it okay that just because I miscarried doesn't mean I hate seeing other women with babies or pregnant? I mean, yes, I envy them for having what I do not...but I feel like it would be so selfish and hateful to despise them for having the most precious joy in the world. My pregnancy wasn't successful but I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. In fact, it makes me happy to see mothers with their babies. It makes me hopeful. Maybe one day I can have that, and if I can't at least there are plenty of other women that can. I'll be an aunt one day. I have a baby beautiful cousin and I would never change that. I get the sadess, I carry that sadness. I understand the emptiness you feel when you see a mother bonding with their baby. I just don't comprehend how you could wish that on someone else... Or hate them because they've never felt that. I guess I'm just saying, is it normal to feel that way? Or am I being judgemental to other women who are feeling differently?