having a hard time getting my LO to sleep

Every night for the last couple weeks has been difficult getting Amelia down-she's almost 8 mo. She goes down with absolutely no problem for her naps. I lay her down awake and walk away and she goes to sleep. At night she just cries and cries! I try giving her more milk, singing to her, rocking her, snuggling, we give her apple juice (which works sometimes) and I'm at the point where I want to just let her cry it out! We always let her play on the floor until she shows signs of being tired.Anybody have advice? Like right now I had to walk away bc I was frustrated so I left her in her crib to cry and it sounds like she finally fell asleep after screaming for like 7-8 minutes.....oh nope...still crying 😭😔 I feel awful doing it but idk what else to do! Any advice or words of encouragement?