TTC but something isn't right! I need help

Me and my husband been TTC for 5mths now. The past 2mths, my cycles appeared 5days early from estimated start date. This month, my cycle is 3days late😞. I took 3 test, all came back negative. I took it upon myself to go to a Dr to check which they gave me another urine test and it came back negative but showed I had a minor UTI. With my first child, I had a UTI as well as well as the Test kept showing negative. They did an ultrasound and saw that i was indeed 5wks pregnant with my son. So my question is, IS IT A STRONG POSSIBILITY THAT I MAY BE PREGNANT OR THE UTI IS THE CAUSE OF ALL THE SYMPTOMS OF NAUSEA, TENDER BREAST, STRONG SENSE OF SMELL AND LATE CYCLE?