30 Weeks today!!! I keep having nightmares about going into preterm labor. Anyone else?

Hello ladies~
As I'm sure you've all experienced, I've been having very vivid dreams pretty much throughout the entire pregnancy. Lately these dreams have been very specific about me going into labor early. Sometimes the dream is just about going into labor early, and sometimes it includes the baby and I'm carrying a super tiny preemie around. Although I know if she was born premature at this point, she'd be in the NICU instead of in my arms. The past couple of days I've been dreaming specifically that I'm having her at 30 weeks. I just hit 30 weeks today so my anxiety has sky-rocketed. 
I know it's probably just a dream-- a very vivid nightmarish one at that, but I can't shake the feeling that it might actually come true. I'm having trouble relaxing, it's really stressing me out.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Also, this is kind of off the topic of dreams but she hasnt been moving as much. She moves enough for me to know she's okay but it seemed like last week she was having a crazy party in there, and now this week she only moves a little once in a while, so it's adding to my anxiety that something could be wrong.