Yeah. You can see correctly!!! Absolutely flappingg....
Clear BFNS plan to book in at the docs once 2nd AF day has come around if it's missed again...
I'm just really confused.. I usually have a 30-35 day cycle.. never gone any longer than 30 days.. I just can't get my head around why all of a sudden I've not come on at all... 
or had a BFP... 
The first two weeks of being late... I was convinced I had a LOT of pregnancy symptoms.. and they were genuine.. I had abdomen light cramping on and off...feeling queezy had a massive obsession over Trfile! 
Yeah! I love trifle anyway but I had it literally all week! Wth...
Then week 3 hits and BAM 💥 sore nipples for a whole 7 days! 
Which I have to admit are no longer sore but they were heavy and sore, I couldn't even stand in the shower without having to cover them! Random! 
Usually I get this issue a few weeks before af and thought maybe it's an ovulation sign... either when it's occurring or just after.. 
Now on Cycle day 50! And it just seems to be getting longer and longer and longer.. if I had come on, my next AF will be due around the 30th of this month... I'm just praying maybe I've had an off month... 
I don't no if I'm just being in denial about going to the doctors and getting some answers after only missing one af, but it does seem rather unusual.. 
When I got pregnant with my daughter it was over 7 years ago.. and I didn't actually suspect I was pregnant until I was 4 months gone.. at the time I was on contraceptive.. and non the wiser... so didn't get my positive until 16weeks... 
I'm just putting all these little senarios in my head... maybe I have PCOS. But why would that randomly turn up after being fairly reg and normal... or have ENDO... 
then I have myself worrying that booking into the doctors will result in being turned away and being told to come back in months time if I miss anymore..