I think I'm losing my baby

Yesterday was rough. Started out normal. I had made it to 6weeks pregnant exactly! With my first after 3.5 years thanks to a couple iuis and medicines. About noon I went to the bathroom and saw brown blood. Tried not to panic because I know it can be normal. But I went to the ER because I was concerned. They got me in and took bloods and gave me a transvaginal ultrasound. The tech looked around for a bit. Then stopped, looked at me, put her hand on my knee and told me she was so sorry but she couldn't see anything. And being 6 weeks she should be able to see something. I lost it. My husband came finally. And they told me my hcg level was 446. Nurse sounded like that was good. But I told her a week ago it was 348. I'm not sure what's going on or why I deserve to to through this. But it's not fair. I didn't bleed much at all. My cervix is still closed. And I've had no cramping. Waiting to hear from the doctor but me and husband are so distraught.