Induction at 41 weeks and big baby complications!

I waited and waited and waited (impatiently) from 37 weeks-41 weeks expecting to go into labor any second. That month felt as long as the entire rest of the pregnancy. So when the doctor asked me at my 41 week checkup if I wanted to be pregnant any longer.. I decided no. I was worried about induction because Of the rumors that it makes your labor longer and more painful and more likely for needing emergency c section. But my doctor informed me that at 41 weeks the risk for emergency c section is not raised by induction, and the risks of staying pregnant past 41 weeks are much higher. 
I went in for my induction at 10 pm and my contractions were within 2 minutes by 11 pm. I was surprised that the pain was actually manageable. I labored through the night resting and watching Netflix until They asked if i would like my epidural yet at around 9 am. They broke my water around 2 and I was around 8 cm dilated. By  5 the doctor let me know it was time to push. I had to be told when the contractions were coming, I couldn't even tell because epidurals are pure magic! At 530 the doctor told me to rest from pushing because there was no progress. I took an hour nap, and woke up ready to push! Then came the real first challenge of my labor. The doctor gave me an episiotomy after I started to tear. After another hour of pushing I finally got her out of the birth canal, but she immediately got stuck again. They called it a shoulder dystocia. Her head was out and her shoulder was stuck. The doctors started screaming at me to push and pushing down on my stomach trying to help her work her way out. I was terrified not knowing if she was hurt or not but luckily I was able to channel all of my mom strength and push her out within 30 seconds. And just like that my little Elliana Reign was born at 9 pounds 13 ounces. She was so past due and such a big baby that it made the labor that much more scary, but it made for one big healthy beautiful newborn baby!