Ariyu Kian, born 11.11

Meet my little boy!!!! Ariyu Kian, 11.11.16, 8lbs 1oz. Little man was 41/4 and I had to be induced. It was the most terrifying, beautiful experience. I tried to go all natural (of coarse 😜) and when I hit 7cm on pitocin I felt as though I was being ripped apart. This isn't the experience for everyone and everyone is different, but for me it was so awful! My little man was still high so the midwife broke my waters. She tried to help him engage and move him down and everything seemed fine. She told me to go to my left side to help him get in the correct position ... so I did. When I moved, out of no where little mans heart beat was about 130 and all of a sudden it dropped to 50 then 40 then 30. It was the worse sound I had ever heard in my entire life. It was the most terrifying moment and all I could think was "Get him out, whatever it takes. Whatever they have to do, please help him." Within seconds they called it an emergency c-section. They tried taking me out the room and what seemed a lifetime they couldn't. All of my cords where tangled and they couldn't untangle them, little mans heart crashed. My fiancé took charge ran over there and started pulling apart all the cords, everyone was frantic. They tried taking me out the room again but my IV was still attached, I still couldn't get out. They couldn't take me to the operating room. I was crying my eyes out, frightened, laying there hopeless, time ..... Time ... That's all I could think of. This is happening while my baby's heartbeat  isn't beating. It was a nightmare! Finally they figured it out and all of them wheeled me out as fast as possible. My fiancé broke down, next to me he kissed me, he touched my hand and said "It will be ok, baby will be ok, I'll take care of you, I'll take care of you both." Over the intercome you can here the emergency, he cried and let my hand go. As soon as we entered the operating room I couldn't stop crying, the doctor came to me and said, "We got you, we will take care of you and your baby. Your safe and in great hands." They hooked everything up and what had seemed to take a lifetime little Ariyu's heartbeat was heard and it was normal. Back to 130, like nothing ever happened. I cannot tell you the relief, the cry, the tears that came out of me with so much happiness .... He's ok, he's gonna be ok. After moments the doctor came to me and said "This is no longer an emergency, your baby is perfect. We're still doing a csection so we don't risk this happening again." I completely agreed, it's time to hold my little boy, let's do this. My fiancé walks in, the world slows a little slower and my tears kept coming. The man that took such good care of me is finally by my side. I can do this and I did. Little Ariyu came and he was perfect, no issues, no complications, he was perfect. Who knows what happened, but I do know that they could have done anything to me to get him out. I am so happy to have him, to have my family and my recovery has been better than I could ever imagine. A house full of love, my 14 year old, my now 6 day new little one and the man of my dreams. Thank you all for reading this, it was terrifying and everyone has a different experience, this was mine. We're home, we're happy and enjoying every single second! Still a little traumatized and I've had a few scary nightmares but my fiancé has been so amazing and he was right. He is taking care of me, our little boy and everything in between. I am 6 days postpartum and I'm feeling good. So much love to all of you mommies out there!! ❤️ To those who are still waiting, no matter how it goes down ........... you got this!!"