Do you think putting a dog on a vegan diet is ok?

🍎 • 💍 💑 ..due September 4th 💙💙
I'm not bashing vegans at all I respect their cause as I myself was a vegetarian for over a year (I know it's two different things) BUT dogs are carnivores they need meat. I was on YouTube a few months ago looking up dog food and I came across a video of a guy who is vegan and shares his diet with his dog ....there were ppl commenting saying that meat is actually bad for dogs and that they are actually omnivores 😑. I was so baffled by that, canines are used for shredding meat, dogs are in the wolf family and guess what they don't hunt bushes. I personally think it's animal cruelty but hey that's me 
Not saying that dogs can't live off of a vegan diet but you are seriously depriving them from the nutrition that they need and altering their whole digestive system 

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