Vanishing Twin. Has anyone else on here gone through it?

At 5 weeks 4 days I was having some cramping on my left side and called the doc to see if I should be worried, they had me come in and on the ultrasound they found two sacs and one heartbeat. They told me that I had a good chance of losing one of the babes and not too get my hopes up but of course I did. A week later baby A was still looking great and baby B had a heartbeat(very hard to find and quite slow) but was measuring about a week smaller than baby A I could tell the ultrasound tech was much less optimistic than the week before 10 days later another ultrasound confirmed that baby B had not progressed and they couldn't find a heartbeat, I was only 8 weeks at the time and they did an abdominal ultrasound and they said they may have been able to see more with the vaginal ultrasound but it wasn't working. My doctor said he could send us to the hospital to try and get a better look but from what they could see he gave baby B no chance. He then told us that baby B would miscarry and that I may not even realize what is happening because baby B could just be absorbed by the womb but that it was possible that baby B's miscarriage could effect baby A. I knew I couldn't continue to watch week by week as one of my babies faded away and my doctor told me there was nothing they could do and so I will go back in at 12 weeks and hopefully get the news that baby is still perfect and progressing. I will be 11 weeks in 2 days and it's been a hard 3 weeks of waiting, I have had a weird soreness around where I assume my ovaries are but since it hasn't been anything extreme I haven't called to ask if I should be worried. It took us a year of TTC to conceive and so after first we were so happy we were finally pregnant with baby #2 and then when there was a possibility of twins I tried not to but I got more excited, and now since finding out we lost one it's like I feel so conflicted mourning the baby we lost and hoping baby A isn't affected by the loss but trying to still be happy we got pregnant. I haven't had any bleeding or severe cramping and so I try to take heart from that but it's still hard to feel right about  anything. And then I go back to just trying to live one day at a time and sometimes I am okay sometimes not. Has anyone else gone through something similar and everything has come out all right? It's not very common and so I haven't found anyone to really talk to. Thanks for listening either way!