Widow and pregnant


This week has been beyond a nightmare. My fiance and love of my life for 17 were so excited to be having a baby naturally after being told it wasn't possible. On last Tuesday morning he left for work and I was mad at him, so he didn't give me his normal kiss good bye. I woke an hour later n got ready to go for a drug screen for my new job and when I came out of the house the sheriff was sitting in my driveway. He informed me that my fiance was in an accident on his way to work n that the last he knew they were still doing cpr on him n that I needed to go to the hospital. About a mile from my house in went past the accident site n was heart broken. After a long day at 2 different hospitals he was pronounced dead at 5 am the next morning. I had an ultrasound at 7am n the baby is doing great n I got to see him with the pictures from the ultrasound one last time before he was taken away. I really could use any advice from anyone that has been through this as to how I can do this on my own. I still haven't been able to go home n all I can do is cry. I feel so lost. He had no life insurance n a friend set up a go fund me page but I'm just so lost on how to take care of everything and go on without him and I don't know how I'm going to be able to give birth to this baby alone.


I was asked to post my go fund me link by one of the comments on this post.



I found out this week we are expecting a Boy! I'm due May 28th 2017. I took the MaterniT21 test and everything came back normal. I just wish the baby's father was here to be happy with me.