Birthing center-first time mom

Contemplating on a birthing center that has just been built. Mid february they will have the furniture put in. I am due March 30. So assuming things go smoothly, timing will be good. My doctor is the owner of the place. It looks really comfy. Big rooms. Big bed. A huge tub for water births which I'm not using. Showers, etc. they can give pain meds if needed (will be needed). And if the pain is too much, they have an ambulance on sight to take to the hospital. The birthing center is about 20-30 mins from my home. Same distance as hospital. The hospital is 15-20mins from the birthing center. Anyways, the question is, which I understand it is my dicision, should I go the birthing center route? It means, no epidural. As there are no anesthesiologists. But then, epidurals arent all they are cracked up to be....prolonged birth, possible complications, unable to feel anything from the waist down. Blah!! Idk?!