hello friends

✨sparkle🐠cubs™️✨ • Twin Momma, 🚨💉💊, married to my best friend, ALLY & bleeding heart liberal!
I am sad to say that we lost our beautiful rainbow baby. I went to the ER lastnight for brown discharge & mild cramping. I should have been 11 weeks exactly, but my precious angel was measuring 9+6 with no heart beat & was completely motionless. I am heart broken, rageful, numb & shattered. This is my 2nd mmc over a 2 year period, which is rare to have 2 mmc's back to back, but I am no stranger to rare medical conditions. They also found a golf ball sized cyst on my ovary which will likely require surgery as well. I go see my ob tomorrow to make plans for a d&c & assess the cyst. Just wanted to let you all know as you have all become "my person" (obsessed with Grey's Anatomy obvi ha). Much love to you all. ❤️❤️❤️