my fast birth story


My crazy ride started at 7:30 pm. Showed up to the hospital at 39 weeks to be induced due to gestational hypertension . I got all hooked up hoping to get through this second birth without an epidural since I had issues with my first birth epidural and getting a spinal headache . Cervadil was inserted at 8 pm  and immediately contractions started and I began feeling sick. By 8:13 the cervadil had to be taken out . My uterus was convulsing continuously and babies heart rate was going down . After oxygen , being laid down and a shot to calm contractions . Everything relaxed. I was 4 cm and regular contractions but feeling good . Dr decided to wait on pitosin for a bit and let us rest . At 6 am pitosin started and by 7am dr came in and I was 5cm. 9:15 am Water got broke and immediately I couldn't think of anything but blind pain. Decided to get my epidural. Dr came in at 9:45 to insert epidural. At this point the contractions were unbareable and I couldn't help but feel like pushing . At 10 pm I was 10 cm and ready to put even though my epidural wasn't working yet.

3 pushes and my little man was out . 10:13 am 20 1/2 in 4 lbs 6 oz . Luckily I was induced bc my placenta was detaching and I bled a little more than normal . Only 1 stitch needed which was amazing since he came so fast. So thankful for my amazing boy