scared and confused

Lacey • My name is Lacey, and I’m a mother to a beautiful baby girl. We lost her father in march, but we're ready to push forward with my sweet partner and our new life together. ❤️❤️❤️
I found out yesterday that I'm pregnant but very very early (estimated between 1-3 weeks) and the doctors frightened me. I went to the wrong last night because I was cramping and had a little pink on the toilet paper. When I got to the doctor, I had like period spotting for about an hour but it wasn't heavy. And it stopped and so did the cramping. I'm haven't cramped since, but they said because of the bleeding and my past molar pregnancy my whole pregnancy will be high risk. They said as of right now because of the spotting that they're gonna say that's it's a threatened miscarriage. Should I be concerned? I'm seriously scared for me and my child. Any advice or personal story would help. Thank you so much. 
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Posted at
I've been to the ER 3 times and I'm 9 weeks . I get an ultrasound every week at the ER and even though they say every thing is ok they still give me paperwork for a threatened miscarriage. . I pray daily and i always see growth each ultrasound so I'm always happy at the end of each visit. Just try not to stress and have faith in God's plan for u and the baby. Everything will be ok.


Posted at
Weird that a doctor would count by conception instead of lmp. Sounds like you definitely need a second opinion. No chance it was implantation bleeding that early? I had some bleeding at 9 weeks and doc called it a "threatened miscarriage" but followed that up by saying that that term could mean anything from "it could actually happen, bed rest etc" to "absolutely nothing".


Ka • Nov 24, 2016
I should note that I found out at 3.5 weeks (so about 1.5 gestational weeks) because I had spotting and never had that in between periods before so I tested. Turns out it was implantation bleeding.


Posted at
Bottom line is you should rest and take care of yourself. There isn't anything you can do to prevent a mc if that's what is happening and overly stressing can make things worse. Follow up with your doctor, and change doctors if you don't feel comfortable with your current one.


Posted at
But should I be concerned 


Lacey • Nov 24, 2016
Mrs.Steward thank you so much for the advice


Mrs. Steward • Nov 24, 2016
I recently miscarried in july of this year and now am preg again so anytime I see blood I go straight to the ER so I feel ur worry but the less you worry the better


Mrs. Steward • Nov 24, 2016
I had all brown spotting around 5 wks and at 8 wks I had brown/red flakey looking blood that came out but it all stopped in about a week and was around the time id expect my regular period. as long as its not enough to soak a pad id say ur ok


Posted at
Ok. You can't be 1 week pregnant. You're further along than that. Second if you levels are only 41 and you've had bleeding, he's right to call it a threatened miscarriage. You need to call your OB and tell them what happened. They should draw more blood and examine you. I had a miscarriage at 5 weeks in August and my levels went from 54 to 8 in 3 days. Call your doctor and go in!


MCB • Nov 24, 2016
That what I did. I called and told them I was in the ER and they had me come in right then. Best of luck to you.


Lacey • Nov 24, 2016
They gave me a referral since no one is open today. I call tomorrow and set up my appointment


Posted at
You wouldn't know your 1 week pregnant., did they draw your levels at the Dr?


Lacey • Nov 24, 2016
They said my hcg is 41 and my doctor was a scared young man who got confused every second so I'm just going off what he told me


Lacey • Nov 24, 2016