My Turkey Day Baby 😲

Kirstin β€’ Mother of two, soon to be three! 😊
So I began to have back pain and contractions after leaving my 38 week check up after being checked for dilation yesterday 11/23/2016. I was 4 cm and 75% I was excited! I knew I didn't have much time but I was hoping for a weekend delivery. So I was having contractions as I was leaving appointment. I should also say I had inserted 4 evening primrose oil pills and a couple hours later ingested 4 more. So I started timing them, I went about my day as usual. Picked my two oldest boys up from school (5 years and 2 years), and it was also my last day of work for my 12 weeks of FMLA. We leave school and head to my father's because I was helping my step mother prepare dinner for Thanksgiving (of course I stole some food as well hahaha). Contractions started coming every 10-12 minutes lasting 60 seconds. Then they started coming 8 minutes then 6. I told myself one more hour of this and I'm heading to the hospital! Then out of nowhere...they jumped to 20 minutes apart 😐 I was kind of upset but then again no I wasn't because I was going to be able to eat! πŸ˜† So me and the kids went home but I took my teenage brother home with me just in case I did end up going to the hospital. Around 4:30 in the morning I woke up with pains again. Decided to take a warm bath to see if they were false or real. I couldn't even sit down completely so I knew it was the real deal! I threw some clothes on, and rushed to hospital. Almost crashed when I had a contraction lol. So painful! Get in and get checked I am 5-6 cms. So definitely in labor. I was doing a water birth so they filled the tub up and took me to my room. I'm laboring in the water for about an hour, pains are bad but they are tolerable, so thinking I can actually do this. Feeling pressure with contractions so I ask her to check again and I am 6-7 cms now. They offer to break my waters and I accept! Boy, that's when it got really intense! I tried to stick it out and do natural water birth but I gave in at 8 cms. I was crying and ranting and raving and asked for an epidural. In no way did I feel like a failure for asking for it. I took as much as I could. I got it and it was heaven on earth πŸ’†πŸ˜Š about an hour later started feeling pressure in my butt and they checked he was RIGHT THERE! So it's time to push! I'm numb but I still feel contractions and pressure. With 3 pushes I can feel his head crowning but I can't feel the ring of fire (thank goodness!). Couple more pushes and his head is out, then just halfway through the next they said it's like he pushed his self out. Look liked he wiggled his shoulders and slid right on out! Born at 10:49am on turkey day! 7 lbs 2 oz and 20 1/4 inches. 😍😍😍 I'm so glad he's finally here. What a way to start my day off.