Dead baby / hurt kid dreams


I'm 11 weeks pregnant and I've been having some really scary and weird dreams. The first dream I had was that I was pregnant with twins (which I'm not) and I went into premature labor and had my babies at my mother's house but the scary part is that one of my babies wasn't alive once he came out. In my dream I picked him up and his head just fell over and he was a weird color. The other baby was sleeping peacefully. I woke up physically shaken up and instantly begin to pray.....

In my second dream I was pregnant at work (I'm a preschool teacher) and one of my students flipped a table over and it landed on his arm. His arm became pinned under the table and begin to swell up and turn black. I struggled to free his arm because just like in real life I was pregnant and the table was too heavy for me to lift. My phone begin to ring which woke me up out my sleep and I never finished my dream.

Does anyone have any ideas about what it could mean if I keep having dreams about my students getting hurt or even worse my baby not being alive?

What are some of your weird/scary/crazy dreams??