Acronym Dictionary 👍


For those of you who, like me, have/had a hard time figuring out all the abbreviations for all the things on here, this is for you (and for me cause I forget😂) Upvote so people can see and add more in the comments if I missed it😊

SO- significant other 

DH- dear husband

OH- other half

DD- dear daughter

DPO- days post ovulation 

AF- Aunt Flo (period)

TTC- trying to conceive 

MIL- mother in law

FIL- father in law

HPT- home pregnancy test

BFP- big fat positive 

BFN- big fat negative 

<a href="">IVF</a>- <a href="">in vitro fertilization</a> 

BD- baby dance/sex

<a href="">IUI</a>- intrauterine insemination 

OPK- ovulation prediction kit

BBT- basal body temperature 

CD- cycle day

CM- cervical mucus